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About the Authors

Bea Young

has been actively involved in supporting educational equity since her teaching days in the 1960s. She spent the summer of 1964 in Mississippi helping to develop the curriculum for the Civil Rights Freedom Schools. In 1965, she became the first education services director for the Illinois Commission on Human Relations and was later appointed as executive director. Shortly thereafter, she became a consultant in the business world where she was a pioneer in developing cultural change and inclusion for Fortune 500 companies across the country. In 2005, she returned to her first love -- education -- and created Bea Young Associates, LLC: Collaboration for Educational Equity.

Dr. Carmen I. Ayala

served from 2012 - 2019 as the superintendent of Berwyn North School District 98 where she steadily turned around lower-performing schools.  Before that, she was the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction at Plainfield District 202.  Additionally, Ayala served as the director of school improvement and programs at Community Consolidated School District 300.  She also served as an assistant superintendent, director of bilingual services, and teacher in Aurora East School District 131. She began her career in education as a teacher in Chicago Public Schools.

Michael L. Kilgore

worked as director of education and planning at the University of Chicago Hospitals and Clinics during the 1980s. Over the past four decades, he has also partnered with Bea Young, managing corporate and educational change efforts related to diversity and now educational equity. He coauthored scores of cultural audits for corporations and school organizations, including those for Plainfield District 202 and Berwyn North District 98. Michael has been the editor of a community newspaper, co-producer of a music performance and education series, church organist and vocalist.

Susan O'Halloran

is a nationally recognized professional storyteller and diversity consultant. She's been featured on PBS and ABC's Nightline, and the New York Times. You can learn more about Sue's professional storytelling and diversity, equity, and inclusion seminars on her website here. Sue has also developed an online campus related to her chapter in this book for teachers who wish to gain skills in developing culturally responsive curriculum. It can be accessed through her website. The program is entitled Stop Walking on Eggshells: 5 Steps to Being a Racially-Skilled Teacher.

Duane Barnes

editor, has years of experience as a retail marketing and personnel executive. He has been a member of the US Army Counter-Intelligence Corps, an adjunct professor of education, and a facilitator of diversity training. As a member of the Bea Young Associates team, he has conducted focus groups and focus group reviews. He is also a part-time basketball coach and play critic.

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